n kulit tipis (terutama pd bagian tubuh); -- bening mata Anat kornea; -- dada Anat selaput yg melapisi seluruh rongga dada dan paru-paru; -- dara Anat selaput yg menutup sebagian atau seluruh muara vagina; himen; -- jala Anat selaput dalam mata (tempat saraf penglihatan); retina; -- jantung Anat selaput yg mengeluarkan lendir, yg melapisi jantung sebelah dalam; -- jantung luar Anat lapisan terdalam kantong luar jantung; -- kesatuan bentukan selaput yg susunannya sama dng selaput sel; -- lendir selaput yg membentuk dinding lumen alat dalam; -- lunak otak selaput lunak otak yg paling dalam; -- mata selaput tipis pembungkus biji mata; conjuctiva; -- otak selaput tipis penyalut otak; -- paru selaput yg melapisi dinding dada sebelah dalam dan melapisi paru sebelah luar; pleura; -- pelangi bagian yg berbentuk lingkaran pd mata yg mengandung pigmen, letaknya antara kornea dan lensa; iris; -- pembuahan Bio selaput yg tumbuh mulai dr titik pertemuan antara telur dan sperma, dan yg akan menyelubungi seluruh permukaan telur dng cepat; -- permeabel Kim selaput yg dapat dilewati oleh senyawa dng ukuran molekul tertentu (kecil); selaput telap; -- plasma selaput yg sangat tipis yg mengelilingi seluruh permukaan sel dan terutama terdiri atas protein dan lemak; -- sega selaput licin yg menyalut sendi di sebelah dalam; -- senyawa membran dua sel berdekatan yg menempel kuat dan bergabung menjadi satu; -- takbersambung membran sel yg tidak bersambung dng membran sel lain; -- tulang Anat selaput yg melapisi tulang; periosteum; berselaput v bersalut kulit tipis; menyelaput v 1 v memberi selaput; 2 menyerupai selaput atau menjadi spt selaput
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlEyyVG2TjI the Empire State Building was designed as an airship docking station , a true marvel of modern architecture and an iconic symbol of New York City. But beyond its Art Deco elegance and towering presence, this famous skyscraper holds a fascinating historical tidbit: it was initially designed with the ambition of serving as an airship docking station. Imagine the scene: It's the 1930s, and the world is captivated by the notion of air travel, not just by planes but by grand, luxurious airships. These floating behemoths, like the German Zeppelin, were the epitome of high-class travel, promising a future where cities around the globe would be connected through the skies. The Empire State Building, completed in 1931, sought to capitalize on this vision by including a mooring mast at its very top, intended for airships to dock. The building's designers, inspired by the aviation fever of the time, integrated this feature into the building'...